A team of Politecnico di Milano researchers performed a qualitative research on the Milanese territory in order to understand how citizens lived during the lockdown and how they are confronting with the transition towards "a new normality". The insights from the inquiry will be presented, a starting point for a reflection on the real citizens' needs and organizations' ability to answer adequately to the new requirements. Vox Populi is thus the tale of daily-life recounts, varying in social context, work fields and personal habits. The event comprises three phases: a presentation of the research synthesis, the interpretation and comment of three experts who will intertwine social, design and technological aspects, and a collective reflection on how to turn these insights into design proposals.
The COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed our ways of living, working, socialize. From a design perspective, this crisis should be interpreted as a chance of rethinking about the future, the innovation and interaction models, on small and large scale, using methods that incorporate bottom-up and top-down approaches. The answers have to be multifaceted, varied and apt to the new needs and priorities, both of citizens and public/private organizations.
Online event
October 6, 2020
18:00 – 19:00
Invite-only workshop
October 6, 2020
19:15 – 20:00