Designing fair service ecosystems
April 20th, 2023
Spaces Porta Nuova – Archistar Room
Bastioni di Porta Nuova 21 - Milan
Rethink! Service Design Stories is the first Italian festival dedicated to Service Design and Innovation, aimed at building a public arena where experts, businesses and public institutions can meet to discuss and develop new ideas and networks. The festival, born in 2017, was founded and promoted by POLI.design - Politecnico di Milano and is now in its VII edition.
Are you interested in creating fair and just outcomes for people and the planet? The upcoming festival, Rethink! Service Design Stories will explore the principles of equity, justice, and participation and consider how to integrate them into service design processes and outcomes.
On April 20, Rethink! will host Wesley Taylor, from Virginia Commonwealth University di Detroit and Member of the Steering Committee of the Design Justice Network. Wesley will share his unique perspective on social justice issues, drawing inspiration from systems thinking, 1990s underground hip-hop, punk aesthetics, and science fiction. Reflections will focus on how designers can take responsibility for the impact of their work on ecosystems and work towards a more sustainable and just future.
During the morning session, Rethink! will bring together planners working with the third sector and representatives of the third sector together with public administration, to promote a dialogue around the theme: “Third sector in transition Design capacities and new synergies for inclusion and social cohesion”. The discussion will lead participants to identify connections and opportunities to promote new relationships, processes, and solutions to foster this transition.
MORNING SESSION – 12:00 - 13:10
The morning session will be in ITALIAN
12:00 - 12:10
12:10 - 12:50
Third Sector in transition: design capabilities and new synergies for social inclusion and cohesion.
Daniela Sangiorgi, Associate Professor and Head of the Product Service System Design Master Degree at Politecnico di Milano
Beatrice Villari, Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano
Rossella Sacco, Spokesperson of Forum Terzo Settore di Milano
Angelo Stanghellini, Director of the Rights and Inclusion Area - Welfare and Health Department, Comune di Milano
Cristina Favini, Logotel with Fondazione Don Gino Rigoldi
Elena Giunta, Studio Shift with Guia Gilardoni, Fondazione ISMU
Elena Silvestrini, Design Justice Network Steering Committee Member
Stefano Maffei, Rector’s Delegate for Social Innovation of Politecnico di Milano
12:50 - 13:10
Forum: How to reinforce collaborations between the third sector and service design?
AFTERNOON – 18:00 - 20:30
INTRODUCTION BY Raffaela Scognamiglio, POLI.design - Politecnico di Milano
The afternoon session will be in ENGLISH
17:20 - 17:50
Accreditation and admission, subject to availability
18:00 - 18:10
Renewing the social role of design institutions
CURATED BY Cabirio Cautela, CEO of POLI.design - Politecnico di Milano
18:10 - 19:00
Designing just transformations
WITH Wesley Taylor, Associate Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University and Design Justice Network Steering Committee Member
19:00 - 19:15
Open discussion
COMMENTED BY Stefano Maffei, Politecnico di Milano
19:15 - 20:30
Networking event and aperitivo

Designing just transformations
Wesley Taylor is a print maker, graphic designer, musician, animator, educator, mentor and curator. He roots his practice in performance and social justice. Wesley’s individual practice is inextricably linked to his collective practice that includes many collectives: Complex Movements, Talking Dolls Detroit, Design Justice Network, and Big Models His work is inspired by elder knowledge, complex science, 90s underground hip hop, punk aesthetics, and science fiction. He creates work in partnership with social justice movements. He is currently an associate professor at Virginia Commonwealth University in the Department of Graphic Design and the Art Foundation Program.