What services are good for.

Better services for better futures

Some of the global challenges, such as food production, industrial manufacturing, digitalization and automation processes, energy production, climate, healthcare are affecting the way administrations and institutions, companies and citizens will deal with change.

Rethink! will encourage discussions to imagine the contribution of service design as a whole in promoting systemic changes. The aim is to come up with ideas for a more extensive change to face up to global challenges.

Master of Ceremony: Guido Romeo, Business and innovation journalist


Register to the event

Day 1

Wednesday 10th April

9 am

Corriere della Sera
Sala Buzzati

9.30 am

Corriere della Sera
Sala Buzzati
Morning stories: the Great Migrations Era

Asking for and receiving information and data for asylum application, enabling collaboration among government bodies to facilitate reception and communication processes, supporting ideational processes within public administrations to co-design solutions devoted to immigrants. These are some of the initiatives promoted by Inland, a design and innovation lab developed within the Finnish immigration service that promotes co-design and service design actions to support immigrants and their communities. This is a successful experiment that serves as an example of how design can have a strategic role in public service innovation processes, and it will provide the starting point to re-think new roles for the public and private sectors and organisations in delivering services for foreign communities. The discussion involves Avanzi, a social innovation agency, and aims to address concrete opportunities for intervention at the urban level as well as proposing a user-based approach to observing the migration phenomenon. Guest of the panel and moderator will be ActionAid.

Panel held in English.

Mariana Salgado  - Director Inland, design e innovation lab within the Finnish Immigration Service
Matteo Bartolomeo - Partner and co-founder Avanzi, CEO Make a Cube3, President BASE Milano

Moderator: Andrea Comollo - Vice Secretary-General/Global Citizenship and Programmes Director ActionAid

10.25 am

Corriere della Sera
Sala Buzzati
Global service challenge: from everyday to large scale

Our day-to-day life is conditioned by access to different services. Each of our actions is connected to a system of infrastructures, networks, communities, and technologies that help to sustain our life styles. Each daily action - in terms of service - can be put into relation to a broader framework, that of organisations and societies. The session will present three stories that embody three different ways of connecting single gestures and daily needs to broader themes.

  • Last Minute Market, set up to support supermarkets in recovering unsold food, is extending its scope of action to medicines and furniture, turning the concept of circular economy into concrete practices.
  • Axieme proposes a collaborative model to insure daily activities, reimbursing a share of the insurance premium in the event that no claims are filed and opening the insurance world to the sharing-economy platforms.
  • Maersk is the world’s largest shipping company. It handles large numbers of containers and operates in a sector that heavily relies on the management of complexity, from great networks down to the single client, from large to digital infrastructures. (speech held in English)


Matteo Guidi - CEO Last Minute Market
Omar Campise - Business development and PR Axieme
Leah Korgaard Offutt - Managing Director Central Mediterranean Area Maersk

10.30 pm

Corriere della Sera
Sala Conferenze
Workshop by invitation: Promoting the national service design ecosystem

How can the value of service design in Italy be made tangible and even more visible?
Is it possible to fully understand the adoption processes and the granularity of the service design in different sectors and different types of organizations?
Is it possible to create value for the entire service design ecosystem at the national level?
Based on these reflections, the workshop aims to start a discussion on the possibility to enhance the service design ecosystem in Italy.


Invitation-only workshop

11.25 am

Corriere della Sera
Sala Buzzati
Re-thinking: resilient cities

Climate changes coupled with social, economic and urban changes act together to modify the way we experience cities. Individuals and organisations respond to changes in an independent or organised manner, by trying to adjust their habits. The concept of resilient city encapsulates the notion of urban contexts being able to look to the future from a sustainable and circular perspective, in which the entire ecosystem is able to respond to changes and offer models to safeguard humans and the environment. Topics include alternative ways of using resources, services or infrastructures. The panel will provide three different vantage points. A comparison between two urban contexts and a company that manages the ultimate resource: water.

Panel held in English


Piero Pelizzaro - Chief Resilient Officer Comune di Milano
Mikkel Christian Knudsen Holst - Acting Head of Creative Growth City of Copenhagen
Giovanni Vargiu - Head of Sewerage and Hydraulic Invariance, Design and Implementation Area Gruppo CAP

12.20 pm

Corriere della Sera
Sala Buzzati
Keynote speech: Redesigning public services for the society of tomorrow

Mary Cook - Design Director FutureGov

Public services need to adapt to keep up with the 21st century, by offering high-quality, citizen-centred services with a lasting impact. After years of facing this challenge with small-scale projects, Service Design has now become a rightful member of an agenda driving systemic, organisational, local and political change. The challenges and successes of Service Design applied to these new contexts will be explored through case histories, observations and feedback from clients, agencies and citizens.

2.30 pm

Corriere della Sera
Sala Buzzati
Global service challenge: healthcare innovation and new models of care

Access and use of healthcare services have radically changed over the past few years. The relationship between user and health provider has evolved towards new models that are increasingly close to people’s needs. PricewaterhouseCoopers will address the main innovations under way in this sector both nationally and internationally, as a starting point and connection to present three Italian centres.

  • Health Italia represents a model for disseminated healthcare distribution thanks to telemedicine.
  • Centro Medico Santagostino extends its multiclinic offer through a partnership with a major player in the mass retail industry to further expand its care, diagnostic and prevention facilities.
  • Banca IFIS opens up to new scenarios for the distribution of pharmaceuticals.


Andrea Amico -  Senior Manager PwC Customer
Roberto Anzanello - President Health Italia
Luca Foresti - CEO Centro Medico Santagostino

Carmelo Carbotti - Communication and Prospecting Manager Banca IFIS

Moderator: Alessandro Cannavò - Journalist Corriere della Sera

3.40 pm

Corriere della Sera
Sala Buzzati
Public sector innovation and the future of public services

Renewing the relationship with citizens, streamlining organisational processes, co-designing public services are but some of the challenges that Public Administrations are facing to respond to the social, economic and technological changes at work in society. In this transformation process, designing new services or redesigning existing ones are instrumental activities that open the way to new models of interaction among designers, Public Administrations and citizens.

Talk by Andrea Pivetta - Senior Manager & Design thinker PwC Customer

4.20 pm

Corriere della Sera
Sala Buzzati
Afternoon stories: designing the change, changing the organizations

The great challenges of today require that organisations face up to complex transformation processes that regard not only the products and services they produce but also their internal organisational processes, design models, resource use and competences. These changes become a resource for service designers, not only to measure up to challenges spanning from the smaller to the global scale, but also to support organisations in effecting a transformation that has continuity with the real world, starting from the organisational structure itself up to generating solutions that have a future-oriented impact.

This scenario will be discussed by some of the major players in the Italian service design community, H-FARM, Digital Entity, an NTT DATA design studio and Logotel, who will share their vision and some project itineraries from devising to realising the change, through subjects, speeds, scales, use of different resources, to emphasise the multiple possible pathways that can be undertaken to arrive at the same goal: generating value by means of service design.


Enrico Girotti, Design Manager H-FARM
Lorenzo Ruggieri, Design Manager H-FARM
Marco Barra Caracciolo, Head of Digital Solution Italy ENEL
Elena Ciccarelli, Engager Director Digital Entity
Antonio Grillo, Service Design Director Digital Entity
Simone Colombo, Senior Manager Community & Social Business Logotel
Cristina Favini, Strategist & Manager of Design Logotel

To be followed by a discussion chaired by Stefano Maffei, Politecnico di Milano

5.45 pm

Corriere della Sera
Sala Buzzati
Rethink! What’s next?

Presentation of the festival’s upcoming events and future challenges

Day 2

Thursday 11th April

4.30 pm

Space4 - PwC's Experience Centre
Via Tortona 37
Call for action for urban resilience in Milan

Building urban resilience requires to look at the City in a holistic way, understanding the systems that constitute its essence, their interdependencies, and risks. Thanks to the reinforcement of the fabric of society and a deeper comprehension of potential shocks and stresses it might encounter, the City can define its trajectory toward sustainability and the wellbeing of citizens.

This workshop aims at activating, linking and focusing the action of different stakeholders and industries around the topic of urban resilience, building a task force of experts and make them operate on one or more specific initiatives.

This will be the first of several meetings that will take place during the following months, as a unique occasion to create a virtuous cycle of competences at the service of Milan Municipality and its citizens.


To be followed by drink and networking

Invitation-only workshop

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